
标题: Mavenir是要放弃无线open RAN业务专注核心网了么?  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2025-1-2 12:58
作者: tek2     标题: Mavenir是要放弃无线open RAN业务专注核心网了么?

本帖最后由 tek2 于 2025-1-2 13:06 编辑

前段时间说要申请退出ORAN政策联盟,现在又削减岗位, ORAN业务负责人都没了

Mavenir loses open RAN zealot John Baker amid wider job cuts

Mavenir loses open RAN zealot John Baker amid wider job cuts

John Baker, a long-serving open RAN executive at Mavenir, is out of the company and sources say other RAN engineering jobs are being cut.

December 24, 2024

To executives on the trade show circuit, John Baker has been one of the most familiar faces in the industry ever since the days when open RAN was just a bawling toddler. As senior vice president of business development for Mavenir, Baker was an outspoken advocate of the fledging concept long before Ericsson joined the faith and seemingly became the world's biggest open RAN vendor. But he has now quit Mavenir amid reports of wider job cuts as the US company struggles to remain afloat.

The circumstances surrounding Baker's departure remain unclear and he did not respond to a LinkedIn approach, but his exit was confirmed earlier today by Mavenir after a tip-off by sources. "We can acknowledge that John Baker has left Mavenir," said a spokesperson by email. "Furthermore, Mavenir continues to invest in open RAN to meet our customer requirements and any changes being made in the RAN BU [business unit] is line with our strategic long-term plans."

Baker joined Mavenir in 2017 from a senior management role at Spirent Communications and previously spent eight years at CommScope. The long-serving industry executive began his telecom career in the 1980s at Vodafone, according to his LinkedIn profile, before joining Nokia as a general manager. For anyone interested in open RAN (standing for radio access network), he was the go-to person at Mavenir.

Sources have also indicated that Mavenir is cutting a substantial number of RAN engineering jobs in the US and India. Mavenir did not address those reports directly in its emailed response to Light Reading, but they come several weeks after the company was downgraded by ratings agencies.

时间:  2025-1-2 13:03
作者: 没事来看看

时间:  2025-1-2 13:06
作者: tek2

没事来看看 发表于 2025-1-2 13:03

时间:  2025-1-2 13:28
作者: Colombia.2005

客家人出来说二句,你是一个大牛B, 一直是力挺OPEN RAN, 你看这个带头大哥都不搞了!
时间:  2025-1-2 13:43
作者: 愤怒的拳头

时间:  2025-1-2 14:00
作者: 客家人

Colombia.2005 发表于 2025-1-2 13:28
客家人出来说二句,你是一个大牛B, 一直是力挺OPEN RAN, 你看这个带头大哥都不搞了!

  传统RAN都快不行了,更别说open ran
时间:  2025-1-2 14:06
作者: 没事来看看

tek2 发表于 2025-1-2 13:06

时间:  2025-1-2 14:30
作者: Colombia.2005

客家人 发表于 2025-1-2 14:00
传统RAN都快不行了,更别说open ran

你怎么不反过来说:OPEN RAN都不行了, 更不用说传统RAN了。
时间:  2025-1-2 14:39
作者: hjh_317

时间:  2025-1-2 17:28
作者: szlanjack

时间:  2025-1-2 18:23
作者: undebug25

Colombia.2005 发表于 2025-1-2 13:28
客家人出来说二句,你是一个大牛B, 一直是力挺OPEN RAN, 你看这个带头大哥都不搞了!

时间:  2025-1-2 18:24
作者: undebug25

客家人 发表于 2025-1-2 14:00
传统RAN都快不行了,更别说open ran

传统RAN不行了,不更是open ran的机会吗?怎么open ran也不行了呢?
时间:  2025-1-2 19:35
作者: 没事来看看

undebug25 发表于 2025-01-02 18:24:44 传统RAN不行了,不更是open ran的机会吗?怎么open ran也不行了呢?客总,我看好你哦

无论是传统 还是 open 覆巢之下无完卵
时间:  2025-1-3 09:01
作者: laozhu

时间:  2025-1-3 09:26
作者: 客家人

Colombia.2005 发表于 2025-1-3 09:23
你也太小看了客家人了,客家人可是大专毕业,英文这个东西对于客家人是小菜小碟!客家人当初改写3GPP的协 ...

时间:  2025-1-3 09:42
作者: Colombia.2005

客家人 发表于 2025-1-3 09:26

中专生当CEO也没有什么,老干妈的创始人还不识字呢, 依然可以当CEO, 这个没有什么关系吧,客家人你这个大牛B, 英文这么6, 水平这么高, 而且也是大专毕业,为什么老是在意别人中专生当CEO呢?

而且你英文这么好,可以读懂很多英文, 很多美国的CEO都没有上过大学呢!是不是?

客家人, 你是著名的大专毕业,而且成功名就,就别小心眼了!
时间:  2025-1-3 15:13

楼上那些一群嘴炮 没一句有用的信息
时间:  2025-1-3 19:09
作者: cookil

核心网没规模,岂不是更惨。大设备商都是靠 无线业务 补贴 核心网业务。至少要求核心网业务需要能够不拖后腿。
时间:  2025-1-3 23:06
作者: 家园会员

时间:  2025-1-3 23:09
作者: coffee198375

时间:  2025-1-4 21:10
作者: wqfreebird

CloudRAN、OpenRAN、ORAN、AI RAN等等,现在机会都不多,就看2029年、2030年会不会有大的市场机会了。可惜一些小公司熬不到那一天。
时间:  2025-1-5 14:20
作者: meggie103

这家公司管理混乱 产品做的极烂 垮的势不可挡
时间:  2025-1-6 09:56

meggie103 发表于 2025-1-5 14:20
这家公司管理混乱 产品做的极烂 垮的势不可挡


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